Calco - Digital Calculator Watch
Electronic product design | New Product Design
Calco is a digital watch with an inbuilt calculator designed to bring back the famous calculator watches of the past decades. The vision was to create an aesthetic, modern, rugged, classy, and user-friendly calculator watch for millennials.
Initiating the electronic product design process commenced with the creation of various sketches to ideate the watch's industrial design for Calco at our product design studio. We worked on the CFM, where we used stainless steel as the material for both the watch and the calculator buttons with soft plastic to make it robust and premium. We went with Black, Silver, and Gold color options with a matte finish to keep it minimalist and classy.
Advancing in the product design and development journey, the next phase involved the engineering design aspect within the new product design for Calco.
a) Taking the final concept design to a manufacturable design (DFM) of a watch case, side buttons, calculator buttons for CNC machining and injection molding.
b) Working on embedded software development that includes the algorithms for the calculator features that have - arithmetic function(+, -, *, and /), power function, constant function and for the digital watch features include dual time zone, stopwatch, alarm clock, alarm sound, and Chrono mode.
c) The hardware development included the PCB development and fixtures to hold the battery. The primary components included - an LCD screen with a backlight, a microcontroller, and a battery unit.